Tag Archives: World Governance

The Progressive Left

“The fundamental flaw in both the left and its media is that they are craven. Without a moral compass and no sense of integrity or righteousness, they will chase every gold cloaked squirrel that runs in front of them, which is why they are where they are today: roadkill.”

Erickson: Why the Left Always Talks Gun Control

Why The Left Always Talks Gun Control

By Erick Erickson, July 8, 2016, Resurgent.com

A terrorist goes into a nightclub in Orlando and kills dozens. The President rushes out to make sure everyone knows it is a hate crime and we must have gun control. In Dallas, a man guns down police officers and the President rushes out and will not call it a hate crime, but declares we must have gun control. In addition to admitting he classifies hate crimes based on the victim’s class, not the intent of the killer, the President admits he has no ideas but gun control.

Like the solution always being the same whether the left believes we are in global cooling or global warming, the solution to every terrible act in America is gun control.

There are more than 300 million guns in private hands in the United States and more than 2 trillion rounds of ammunition in private hands. What we are seeing is not an out of control gun problem. In fact, mass shootings in the United States have fallen so much in the past century that the political left has insisted we redefine what a mass shooting is. It is all in the name of gun control.

The left will not talk about mental illness. The left will not talk about radical jihadism. The left only wants to talk about gun control. There is a very easy to understand explanation for this phenomenon.

For the left to talk about mental illness or radical jihadism or black on black crime or any other topic directly related to these episodes of mass violence, the left would have to explore the nature of morality and human depravity. But in the last century, the left has grown so secular that it no longer recognizes a shared morality and rejects the idea of human depravity.

Conservatives look on these acts, whether it be Baton Rouge or Ferguson or Orlando or Dallas and they see a world in moral collapse and struggles between good and evil. Black families have crumbled. Black fathers are in jail while the mothers struggle to keep the family together. Unemployment among black youth is high and people of faith understand that there is something soul nourishing about work. Even in the Garden of Eden there was work.

But we cannot even talk about the Garden of Eden because the left laughs it off. Morality, faith, prayer, and concepts of good and evil are all rejected by the left. So they grasp for something on which they can make a principled stand and it is gun control and the erosion of a right the left refuses to recognize in the second amendment.

Secular reporters lament that there are too many guns in America, but they will not admit there is too much moral decay. In fact, they not only revel in the moral decay and defining deviancy as normal and normal as deviant, but they expect the rest of us to do the same. If you uphold natural law or moral law, you are a bigot.

Because they cannot talk about a morality they no longer recognize or the need for a God they long ago rejected, they are forced to insist more laws will solve problems. It is the metaphysical equivalent of the religious believing more prayer will solve problems. When God is traded in for government, prayer gets traded in for law. The more laws there are, the better off we will be because government is our god now.

The left is incapable of solving the problems of racism and mass violence in this country because the only solution they have is more government. And more government just means more sinners in charge and more sinners is never the answer to any problem. But a left that rejects the notion of sin and human depravity is incapable of understanding that and instead lives in a self-created fantasy land where we are born gay or straight, but can decide to become boys or girls, and when straight boy marries straight girl then straight boy decides to become a girl, his born straight wife is a transphobic bigot. People who believe such nonsense will never be able to substantively deal with the horrors of our age.

So gun control is the only solution they will offer.


Moore: The positive Impact of Human CO2 Emissions on the Survival of Life on Earth

The positive Impact of Human CO2 Emissions on the Survival of Life on Earth By Dr. Patrick Moore, June 2016, Frontier Centre for Public Policy Executive Summary This study looks at the positive environmental effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, … Continue reading


Davis: The Assault Weapons Ban Is A Stupid Idea Pushed By Stupid People

According to FBI statistics, you are far more likely to be beaten to death by someone’s fists than you are to be killed with a rifle. The Assault Weapons Ban Is A Stupid Idea Pushed By Stupid People By Sean … Continue reading


Ball: Paris Climate Conference: A Sideshow To More Frightening Use Of False IPCC Climate Science

Reprinted from WUWT Paris Climate Conference: A Sideshow To More Frightening Use Of False IPCC Climate Science by Dr. Tim Ball,  January 3, 2016.  from  WUWT President Obama used the Paris Climate Conference to advance his legacy: an agreement was … Continue reading


Witness the Carbon Footprint of This Fully Armed and Operational Climate Summit

Witness the Carbon Footprint of This Fully Armed and Operational Climate Summit by John Hayward, November 30, 2015. Breitbart. Skepticism about climate change dogma is reaching a generational peak. One of the reasons is that climate change alarmists stubbornly refuse … Continue reading


Freund: The Arab Press Reacts to the European Refugee Crisis

The Arab Press Reacts to the European Refugee Crisis by Charles Paul Freund, September 12, 2015. Reason.com “We are a nauseating nation,” wrote the Saudi journalist ‘Ali Sa’d Al-Moussa in Al-Watan on September 5, in reaction to images of Syrians and … Continue reading


E&E Legal: Private Interests & Public Office: Coordination Between Governors, the Obama White House and the Tom Steyer-“Founded and Funded” Network of Advocacy Groups to Advance the “Climate” Agenda

E&E Legal Releases Report Exposing Coordination Between Governors, the Obama White House and the Tom Steyer-“Founded and Funded” Network of Advocacy Groups to Advance the “Climate” Agenda Washington, D.C. — Today, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), a … Continue reading


Charlie Hebdo

We’ve withdrawn editorial support for Charlie Hebdo. Yeah, we know, big deal, internet dragon-slayers are as ubiquitous as mosquitoes. And yeah, we know, the support we, and most media outlets, provided was barely token, let alone substantial. But the public … Continue reading



H/T: SDA by Occam, in reference to: In just 3 generations, our young men have gone from taking Normandy to Boy Scouts not being allowed to use WATER guns http://t.co/dULJlBjEk2 — John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) May 20, 2015 _____________________________ “de-wilding” young … Continue reading